Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So close... Yet so far away

Okay so as I said in my last post I haven't even finished my application for AFS yet, and Argentina is 8 months away. That's a long time, but a short time too. I mean I keep realizing how fast life goes by. For example in 2 weeks I will be half way done with high school. I seriously think thats CRAZY! Every day I become excited of the idea of living in another country! It really sounds like amazing experience. Having spanish 4 for 85mins every day this semester, just makes me want to speak spanish even more. ¡Yo quiero hablar espanol todos los dias! I will be probably sending my application in to AFS in a few weeks :) I'm crazy excited to just even send it in! jaja I just hate knowing that once I send the application in, that I probably won't know about where I'm going for awhile... I'll probably check my email 50 times a day! I'm just excited for this summer in general because it is the last summer before a wild ride in my life :) It's pretty sad... At the end of June all the AFSers that I have met this year will be leaving the US to go back to their various countries! Every year this chokes me up even if my family isn't hosting! These people have inspired me to want to go abroad and take advantage of an amazing experience. They're all fantastic people and I'm happy I had the chance to meet them! Well cross your fingers for me that everything goes well with the application!
Besos y abrazos,

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