Wednesday, November 14, 2012

World's worst blogger, quinces, college, being an AFSer

You could call me a liar and the world's worst blog poster. I haven't posted since the end of July... Before I came to Argentina I loved reading other exchangers blogs because it made me realize all the things that could happen to me while in Argentina, thats the main reason I chose to start a blog but I have never really fallen through with the whole plan. Its definitely something that is harder than it looks. So heres the first blog post in awhile...

So what have I been up to the past few months? Everything in Argentina seems so normal now. I have two lives now, and I wish I could live them both. The other week I received my travel dates for my return to the USA. I will tell you that it was a very sad moment for me. Being an exchange student you always know that you will go home but if you don't know the exact day, you feel like maybe just maybe it won't happen yet and you can in your host country for a little awhile longer. I will arrive to Miami at 6.10 AM the 17th of January. Only word can describe this... Bittersweet
Last week, the 8th of November was Hug an exchange student day or also known as "day of the exchange student." I had a nice lunch with my other exchange friends that day, I also read something another AFSer posted on facebook that I found to be so true... I couldn't have related more. Here it is: 

How do you know what anxiety means if you've never walked away from your family with tear-filled eyes?
-How do you know what it means to be helpless if you've never wanted to hug someone and had a computer screen to prevent you from doing it?
-How do you know what borders are if you've never crossed them to see what's on the other side?
-How do you know what diversity is if you've never lived unde

r the same roof with people from all over the world?
-How do you know what imagination is if you've never thought about the moment you go home?
-How do you know what it means to grow if you've never matured in order to start a new part of your life?
-How do you know what autonomy is if you've never been forced to make your own decisions?
-How do you know what patriotism is if you've never said "I love my country" with a flag in hand?
-How do you know what family is if you've never had one that supported you unconditionally, even from the other side of the world?
-How do you know if something is impossible if you've never tried it?
-How do you know what a dream is if you've never accomplished one?
-How do you know what an adventure is if you've never been part of one?
-How do you know what pride is if you've never experienced it for yourself when realizing how much you've achieved?
-How do you know the world if you've never been an exchange student?

But truly.. How would you know any of these things if you never had taken the risk to go abroad? I feel that some people who haven't ever done exchange can relate in ways, but they were never truly know how it changes you and shapes you to be who you want to be. My year here has made me the person I've always wanted to be. I figured out that I can do the impossible. I left my home before I was even 18, went to live with people I didn't know in a country I had never been to with a language and culture I knew nothing about. I always think about how crazy it is that there are 1000s of other kids the same age as me at this moment doing the same thing as me. Some people might call us crazy for doing what we do, but we already are changing peoples perspectives about the world and other countries, we are becoming better global citizens. 

Something I have always found funny about being an exchange student, is that whenever you meet someone else that is, was, or going to be an exchange student, you have an automatic connection, and a world of things to talk about. No one understands you better than your other AFSers. No one. These people have always been there when I wanted to go home or was sick or just felt bad, and told me how hard I worked to get here and that its just a year. They were right. I'm sitting here in Formosa with less than 2 months of my exchange left. Wow. It went by so quickly and I don't feel ready to end it yet. I wish I could have a whole other year here. The things I have learned and the people I have met, have made me realize all the things I would like to do and become in the future. 
A side note... Well on exchange I have had to apply for college because I'm a senior right now. I recently got accepted to Ohio University. I'm still waiting for a few other universities because Ohio University isn't my first choice but its still a respectable school. 
Last month on October 13th I went to my host cousin Camila's quince. I'm sure that many of you have heard about what quinces are. Its a girls 15th birthday, a coming of age birthday that is just as fancy as a wedding. Parents literally start saving for a girls quince when she is a little girl or recently born. They are very fancy parties, with a hundred guests, a fancy dress, bands, a dj, drinks, a nice dinner, etc. I had already been to a few quinces since I got here but this one was the nicest one by far. Here are some photos from the quince with my host cousins and host sister! (unfortunately I never took a picture with Camila on my camera, but I know I have a picture with her on someone else camera). 

me and my host sister

host cousins



AFSers are what makes the world go round... Happy exchangers day! (I know its a little late)

me, Cici(denmark), Luisa (Germany)

Luisa and Karl (Germany)

sos lo mass

Luca (Italy)

Just some pics from a party with the exchangers! Got to love them! They are the people who have helped me time and time again! Love you guys :) 

*** Next blog post will be soon! In another 4 days I leave to go on an AFS trip for 5 days to Salta y Jujuy!***
